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User Guide

Yang Jiaqi

Zhuang Mengjin

Xu Che

Wu Nan

Wan Shi Jie Brendan


NUSchedule is a straightforward yet sophisticated application that helps you manage your events. It allows you to keep track of not only your school events or activities (eg. lectures, tutorials, assignments), but also your personal activities. It utilises a command line interface (CLI), which accepts user input in the form of text. This gives the application both simplicity and speed, setting it apart from other apps such as NUSMods and Luminus.

Quick Start

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.
  2. Download the latest nuschedule.jar from here.
  3. Copy the file into a new folder, which will serve as the home folder for NuSchedule.
  4. Copy the latest location.txt and bus_stops.txt files into a directory named data in the home folder.
  5. Open the command prompt and navigate to the home folder.
  6. Run nuschedule.jar using the following command: java -jar nuschedule.jar



In the following description, DATE refers to the date in the format yyyy-MM-dd. e.g. 2020-10-31 TIME refers to the time in the format HH:mm. e.g. 10:00

/t refers to the starting time for PersonalEvent and Class, and deadline for Assignment
/e refers to the ending time for PersonalEvent and Class

View available commands - Wu Nan

Shows list of commands and provides a link to the user guide for more details.

Format: help

Add an event - Brendan

Adds events/tasks to the schedule. Can support various types of tasks:

Examples of usage:

class CS2113 Lecture /t 2020-09-23 10:00 /e 12:00 /l LT27 personalEvent Mom’s Birthday /t 2020-10-26 19:00 /l home assignment CS1010 Assignment /t 2020-01-04 23:59 /o Luminus selfStudy Prepare for exam /t 2020-11-26 15:00 /l home

Adding a class:

Adding a personal event:

Adding an assignment:

Adding a self study event:

Adding an event with a timing clash:

Edit an event - Xu Che

The edit command allows you to edit the event type, description, start/end date and location for an existing event. You can start using this command by entering edit INDEX, where INDEX is the number of the task you want to edit.

Format: edit INDEX


Let's say you have one event stored in NuSchedule currently:


Suppose you entered the timing incorrectly and would like to edit it to the correct timing. Enter the following command to edit the event:


Next, you will be prompted to enter the new values for the 5 fields which are type, description, location start and end date respectively. Enter your desired changes and press the ENTER key to go through the fields. You can leave a field blank and simply press enter if you do not want to make any changes.


Expected Outcome:


Sort events - Xu Che

With this command, you can sort all events by either their end time, location or their description. When sorting by time, events will be sorted in a chronological order. Events with an earlier end date will be sorted on top of events with later end dates. This way, you can prioritize the events that are due soon.

When sorting by description, the events will be sorted in alphabetical order according to their descriptions. Events with descriptions starting with 'a' will be sorted on top of events with descriptions starting with 'z' for example.

When sorting by location, the events will be sorted in alphabetical order according to their location. Events with offline locations will be sorted on top of locations with online locations.

Format: sort SORT_CRITERIA

Example: sort description

Before sorting:

After sorting:

Sort by time:

Sort by location:

Find a location - Yang Jiaqi

With this command, you can find out about locations around NUS. Depending on the type of location, different additional information will be shown together with the location (e.g. nearest building, nearest bus stops).

Format: locate LOCATIONNAME or locate EVENTINDEX

Example: locate lt1

Find lecture theatres using location name: locate1

Find buildings using location name: locate2

Find locations using event index: locate3

List all locations - Yang Jiaqi

Displays a list of all locations within NUS

Format: locations

Expected output: (list given here is incomplete) locations

List all events - Brendan

Shows you a list of all events.

Format: list

Example Output:

Clear events - Wu Nan

Delete events existing in the list, you can choose to delete all, auto delete or delete events before a certain date:

Example Output:

Mark event as done - Wu Nan

Mark an event that has been completed with DONE.
Note that the events which are not assignments, cannot be done before its ending time.

Format: done INDEX

Example: done 2

Example Output:

Reminder of deadlines - Brendan

Shows a list of all events for today's date.

Format: reminder

Example Output:

Repeat of events - Zhuang Mengjin

Repeat the selected event for several weeks, or repeat all classes this week for several weeks.


Example: repeat 3 1, repeat all 2

Example Output:

Delete an event - Zhuang Mengjin

Delete the selected event from the list.

Format: delete INDEX

Example: delete 1

Example Output:

Find a keyword - Zhuang Mengjin

Find the events with given keyword. Note that it's case-sensitive.

Format: find KEYWORD

Example: find CS

Example Output:

Find a date - Zhuang Mengjin

Find the events happen on the given date.

Format: date yyyy-MM-dd

Example date 2020-11-10

Example Output:

Find locations exist in a certain group - Zhuang Mengjin

Find the locations in NUS that belongs to certain faculty or the hostels.


Example Output:

Keep track on the study time - Zhuang Mengjin

Find the amount of time you spent on study on a certain date.

Format: studyTime DATE

Example Output:

Make the app know you - Zhuang Mengjin

Tell the app your name, and whether you are a professor or a student. Whether you indicate yourself as a professor, or a student, will make a difference in another function, which will come in a later version.

Format: student NAME OR professor NAME

Example Output:

Exit the app - Zhuang Mengjin


Format: bye

Example Output:


Q: How do I transfer my data to another computer?

A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous AddressBook home folder.

Q: What if I cannot run the application, or the application suddenly stops running unexpectedly?

A: If you cannot run the application at the beginning, please refer back to the Quick Start section and check whether the jar file is in the correct folder. If you cannot find what is wrong, please take a screenshot of your computer and report it as an issue to this link.

Q: What should I do if I cannot get the input format for adding events correctly?

A: For all wrong input format, there will be an error message to tell you what exactly you have input wrongly. If the error message is not helpful, please refer back to relevant sections in Features. We recommend you to follow the instructions provided closely as the current version of NUSchedule has a relatively high requirement in terms of input accuracy. If you really cannot find what is wrong, please report it as an issue to this link.

Command Summary - Brendan

Action Command Example
add EVENTTYPE EVENTNAME /t DATE TIME /e DATE TIME(optional personal event and self study, compulsory for class, must not have for assignment) /l LOCATION OR /o LINK /p PASSWORD(optional) personalEvent Mom’s Birthday /t 2020-10-26 19:00 /l home
clear clear OR autoClear STATUS OR clearBefore CLEAR_DATE clearBefore 2020-10-22
delete delete INDEX delete 1
done done INDEX done 1
edit edit, then fill in each fields when prompted and press ENTER to move on to the next field edit 1 ENTER class ENTER cs2113t ENTER \l school ENTER 2020-10-26 19:00 ENTER 2020-10-26 20:00
help help
list list
locate locate LOCATION_NAME OR locate EVENT_INDEX locate LT1
sort sort SORT_CRITERIA sort description
reminder reminder reminder
repeat repeat INDEX NUMBER_OF_WEEKS OR repeat all NUMBER_OF_WEEKS repeat all 1
find (keyword) find KEYWORD find book
find (date) date date 2020-11-08
calculate study time studyTime DATE studyTime 2020-11-08
find locations belongs to a certain group FACULTY or HOSTEL FOE,FOS
UserInfo student NAME OR professor NAME student LeeJuntong
exit bye bye